Stop trusting the government and corporations. They allow endless poison in all of our items. Anything labeled "fragrance," "perfume," or "parfum" can be one or more of a thousand different chemicals. Most perfumes, colognes and fragrances are more than 80% carcinogenic chemicals and they are not required to put the ingredients on the label.
Even most items that say "natural" contain these poisons that are very challenging to process and cause cancer, dementia and Alzheimer's. Many of them are endocrine disruptors and cause hormone imbalance and cognitive decline. Most people put these poisons on their heads and skin to be directly absorbed into their bloodstream. They should most definitely not be in your detergent, shampoo, soap or lotion.
I recommend getting essential oils and mixing your own combinations. This way, you don't poison everyone you come in contact with, but you can make them feel better. And each oil has different healing properties:
lemon, orange, lavender, peppermint, frankincense, eucalyptus, lemongrass, rosemary, bergamot, cedarwood
Never cook with pans with "Teflon" non-stick pans. They have PFAS/forever chemicals.
No fluoride from water or toothpaste; it calcifies your pineal gland and causes much cognitive disease.
Get a showerhead filter and please never bathe a baby in city water or drink it
Do not get receipts or touch them - they are heavily coated with BPA​​
Only wear natural footwear that will not smash your toes together, will allow you to ground and naturally place your feet on the ground:
No synthetic clothes - especially underwear. They poison you, harm your hormone production and harm your vibrational field
Etsy is a good place to shop.​​
EMF destroys DNA, poisons you and does the opposite of heal you
Don't you dare have your phone on while in your pocket
Never talk on your phone with your phone near your head. Use the speaker or air tubes and don't you dare ever use AirPods. The signal goes through your brain!
Get an EMF WIFI router blocker and shut it off when not in use and at night
Grow your awareness to what's around you that you do not see - pathogens, viruses, bacteria, parasites, metals, blood, feces, vomit
Never touch anything in public - especially door knobs and gas pumps
Use your card or always wash hands immediately after handling money and before you touch ANYTHING else
Always take off your shoes off outside your house and demand others do the same
Never put your purse or bag on the dirty floor​