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The Nick Eagle Meditation: Shown To Him Through His Kundalini Awakening

Writer's picture: Rev. Dr. Nick EagleRev. Dr. Nick Eagle

Almost everything that I now do comes from being connected to and listening directly to "God." I know of no other who has been "shown" yoga, meditation and reiki through meditation. I hope to find others. My yoga movements, kriyas, meditation and breathwork all come directly from "source." And when you go directly to the source, this is where you find truth, the real answers and much power and peace. I no longer do things because others do. I no longer teach things because one once taught me it. I no longer pass along my teachings without knowing they are the greatest methods to take you to "God" and have the best chance of leaving behind pain and suffering. If you wish to know how to meditate properly, you are at the right place.

What I'm about to share with you are the most advanced yoga practices and meditation techniques. They might not be the best place to start, but that is your choice, and the simple choice of deciding whether you are ready to listen or not will determine that. So this potentially could be how to meditate for beginners and beginners should at least have this understanding of the goal when they begin.

We should only be doing things when our body calls for it, but to do so, you must be a master listener. You must know what your body calls for. Too many of us are programmed not to do things because others convince us that they're hard or we can't and they harm you instead of heal us. Those who do not work out and exercise only do not do these things because they have little understanding of their body and the benefits. They are the worst listeners, because if one listened to their body, they would know that the body wants to move often and be stretched and taken care of and built. The main reason we weight train is for bone density and to strengthen everything from our tendons, ligament and joints; not just our muscles.

For a long time, I have recommended that you do a hard full-body workout every other day and if you miss a day, you do the next no matter what forever, and I still stand by this. But the movements that you are doing and the intensity of these movements must come from listening to your body. I no longer have a predetermined workout session that I do besides rotating back and chest muscles as my main lifts.

I no longer decide the weight I'm using beforehand and I do not count the reps or sets. My body tells me what to do and what it wants. I no longer foolishly lift very heavy amounts of weight for only a few repetitions. I typically do ten to thirty repetitions and 3 to 6 sets of everything that I do but this will vary every workout.

Now, this is important to understand because we're going to be applying the same principles to our meditation techniques, yoga and breathwork. I do not want you to attempt to release kundalini energy and go deep to heal and find answers when you are not operating at high levels and are in a heightened state, because it will not happen and it could deplete you if you attempt to when not ready. You must be worthy and deserving. You must take immaculate care of yourself. You must put truth above all and you must leave fear behind. If you do not do these things, you will not be able to enter these advanced states. So few ever do; many lie and pretend they do. You must be godly. You must follow all of the laws. "I will be releasing, "The Golden Laws of Enlightenment" very soon.

Now, for those who operate at high levels and are truly ready to release kundalini energy, I'm going to walk you through what happened to me when I entered a state worthy of being shown these practices by "God."

You must be in a constant state of meditation, be at complete peace and have nothing but gratitude and appreciation for this gift of life. When I enter these states, I make contact with extraterrestrials and I have kundalini awakenings. Thinking and writing about it right now is beginning to induce one. And when you operate at high levels and you listen it will call. To get to these states, I highly recommend, following my free "Enlightenment Protocol," which includes taking immaculate care of yourself, morning affirmations and much more, including advanced healing techniques.

When it calls, you must go to a place of complete peace away from all disturbances. If you have practiced "lotus position" and are comfortable there for a long period, I highly recommend doing that. If not, you may lie down. Start by taking a couple deep breaths in through the nose while completely filling your diaphragm. As this breath fills you, so will "God." "God" is the breath within the breath. Bring your hands in front of you in "prayer position." Many teach to touch them to your heart chakra and there are benefits, but I was shown to keep them out in front of me as far out as possible while keeping a 90° bend in the elbow and your hands together. Keep breathing deep and hard, and as deep as it calls, and as hard as it calls. When it calls, it can be called to be very intense as you suck in as much air as you can through the nose as fast as possible, completely filling yourself with air and releasing it through the mouth as quickly as possible. If it calls, take your tongue to the roof of the mouth and bring the eyes towards the middle of the forehead up towards the third eye. After so many breaths, which can vary from a few to multiple minutes worth, you'll get to a place where you should take one deep breath, hold and squeeze your sphincter and pelvic floor muscles tightly (I recommend doing 200 pelvic floor squeezes every 2-3 days to strengthen and help this process). If you're operating at high levels and listened correctly, you are now one with the gods and you have entered a state of peace, healing and answers.

When it calls and I begin the breaths, I shake quite violently; the blind eye would think that I am having a seizure. I used to think that I was generating energy while doing this and it was a consequence of the actions, but after reading about this and sitting in meditation with the thought of these actions, I determined it is also an ancient meditation technique to induce advanced states. I also practice other mudras when they call. The dharmachakra mudra is VERY powerful.

You must learn how to meditate properly if you seek operating at the highest levels and entering advanced states. Most do not desire what I do because they have no idea what is possible. I've become worthy of sitting with the gods and I know that any other person on this planet is capable of joining us. I am awakened, and I am an awakener. I have yet to meet another who has put truth above all and left fear behind. I highly recommend to follow my blog videos online and get very excited about my book that is soon to come. I have obtained the answers to leave us from suffering, as well as other things, few would believe can happen to us. Get ready. Join me. Be excited. Satnam.

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